The House in the Cerulean Sea

Linus Baker is a quiet, orderly man in his forties. He has no friends, unless you count the standoffish cat who decided to move into his small home some years ago. He spends his evenings sitting quietly while listening to his classic records, and he is content with his life.

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A Magic Steeped In Poison (The Book of Tea #1)

“I used to look at my hands with pride. Now all I can think is, ‘These are the hands that b

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The Crown of Gilded Bones (Blood & Ash #3)

Growing up sheltered and stifled, it was beyond Poppy’s wildest dreams that she could possibly experience a love like the one she shares with Prince Casteel. But before they can truly enjoy their happily ever after, they first have to answer the question of what each of their brothers have become. And they have to deal with the threat from the Queen of Solis.

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A Kingdom of Flesh & Fire (Blood & Ash #2)

Poppy has had everything of value stripped away. The truth of the world she’s always believed in, the Queen who cared for her, her trust in the man she was falling for, and the veil that shielded her.

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From Blood and Ash (Blood & Ash #1)

Poppy’s destiny has been determined from her birth. She is the Maiden and the hope of her people’s future. That is, if she can make it to her Ascension and still be deemed worthy by the gods.

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The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue

In 1714, choices are non-existent in rural France. Doomed to live a stunted life, a desperate young woman strikes a Faustian bargain with a shadowy figure. Gambling for the chance to be free to live her life, Adeline is blessed with immortality and cursed to be absolutely, irrevocably forgettable. 

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The Magicians (The Magicians #1)

Author: Lev Grossman
Average Rating: 3/5
Quentin Coldwater is absolutely brilliant. He is also completely and utterly bored. The only sparks of joy in his life are when he is dreaming of being swept up in a magical adventure to Fillory, the fictional wonderland that first enthralled him as a child.

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The Night Circus

Author: Erin Morgenstern
Average Rating: 3.5/5
Yesterday there was an empty field. Today there is Le Cirque des Rêves. It is simply there, without warning; an elegant circus that houses marvels that can only be described as impossible. Open only after nightfall, the circus will soon disappear, leaving no clues as to where it’s gone. 

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