The Island of Sea Women

On the Korean island of Jeju, drawing food and wealth from the sea is a way of life. The haenyeo, an all-female diving collective, are responsible for supporting their families while the men watch the children.

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The Crown of Gilded Bones (Blood & Ash #3)

Growing up sheltered and stifled, it was beyond Poppy’s wildest dreams that she could possibly experience a love like the one she shares with Prince Casteel. But before they can truly enjoy their happily ever after, they first have to answer the question of what each of their brothers have become. And they have to deal with the threat from the Queen of Solis.

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The German Midwife

Germany, 1944.  Imprisoned in the camps, Anke Hoff is a midwife first and a German second. Regardless of their backgrounds, she will do what she can for her pregnant campmates and their babies in a place with little dignity or love. 

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