The Firebird (Slains #2)

Nicola Marter is very cautious whenever she touches something because of the gift she inherited from her grandfather – when Nicola touches an object she can glimpse its history and previous owners.

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The German Midwife

Germany, 1944.  Imprisoned in the camps, Anke Hoff is a midwife first and a German second. Regardless of their backgrounds, she will do what she can for her pregnant campmates and their babies in a place with little dignity or love. 

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“Last night I dreamt I went to Manderley again… “

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The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue

In 1714, choices are non-existent in rural France. Doomed to live a stunted life, a desperate young woman strikes a Faustian bargain with a shadowy figure. Gambling for the chance to be free to live her life, Adeline is blessed with immortality and cursed to be absolutely, irrevocably forgettable. 

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The Guernsey Literary & Potato Peel Pie Society

“I wonder how the book got to Guernsey? Perhaps there is some sort of secret homing instinct in books that brings them to their perfect readers.”

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