The Writers


Reading has always been an escape for Corinna, which is reflected in her preferred genres.  Growing up as one of 5 kids (that’s right, FIVE!) reading was as close to “alone” time as she could get when she needed a break from the chaos. Her favourite genres are fantasy, dystopian, and YA.  It’s even better when you can find a combo with a little romance mixed in.  Like any true Gryffindor, Corinna spends her days helping to save lives as a Registered Nurse to the littlest of babies.  She has a doggo named Mira.  She keeps Corinna busy, and pulls her away from books and crochet projects, and out into the world for frequent walks.  Young and high-spirited, Mira also keeps Corinna questioning her life choices. When she can, Corinna loves to travel and hopes to get back to it soon.  She’s travelled to many countries including England, Ireland, Zambia, various Caribbean islands, Argentina, Mexico, and many others. 


From an early age, Lydia has been obsessed with books. She even worked in a library for her whole young adult life (and now wishes she had never left, tbh).  She loves romance and YA books.  There’s nothing better than sitting down with a large glass of red wine, her e-reader, and diving into Colleen Hoover’s latest novel.  When she can get a break, that is.  Lydia has a 2 year old son named Jensen and a baby named Skye who keep her very busy.  You can already tell that mischievous little Jensen is going to be a Slytherin like his mama, and he knows how to work his cuteness to his benefit!  Lydia is determined to raise them to be readers, and has already read Harry Potter to them at bedtime.  She’s married to an amazing dude, who may not be much of a reader, but he’s an incredible artist.


Megan is very rarely seen without a book.  And if you can’t see it, it’s hiding in her purse.  She’s open to reading any genre, but fantasy is her favourite.  There’s something magical about getting sucked into a new world and leaving behind reality for a little while.  This year she got her first reading buddy, a siamese kitten named Fitz.  A true covid kitty, he’s very confused when she pays more attention to her book than to him!  Needing a distraction for Fitz, his little bro, Hunter recently arrived and so Megan’s house is a little crazy right now. Her Hufflepuff traits of fairness, patience, and loyalty came in handy growing up with a twin sister and younger brother. (And in dealing with the rest of the Four Houses tbh!). When Megan has to adult, she works as an accountant at a mid-level firm.  Afterall, she has to support her book habit somehow.  Travel is also important to Megan, and one of her favourite places to visit is New Zealand, and not just because she can visit the Shire.  She also attends Comic Expos every year with Sharaya, and is the ideal person to have on your trivia team.


Sharaya is an avid reader who can completely shut out the outside world when she’s absorbed between the pages of a good book.  You may have to yell at her to get her attention.  Sharaya is an only child, so reading has always been important to her.  She likes to say that she loves stories, whatever medium that may take.  Books, audiobooks, tv shows, movies, plays, whatever.  She wants to consume stories.  Preferably YA and fantasy, but she will read anything.  Like any Ravenclaw, Sharaya likes to attend conferences, learn new things and skills, and always has a DIY project (or two or three) on the go.  At work, she’s an Office Administrator and keeps electricians organized.  She has two kitties, River and Malcolm, who are very good reading buddies.  A total geek/nerd, no year is complete unless she attends at least one comic expo, with photo ops and autographs.  Sharaya loves to travel, and other than going to Europe, her favourite type of vacation involves the sun, a pool, a drink with a little umbrella in it, and a stack of books.